At Thriving Minds Therapy our Psychologists, who have undertaken further training, offer high-quality assessment services. Assessments are often the first step to understanding a child’s learning, social, behavioural and emotional needs.

At Thriving Minds Therapy, we understand every child is unique and so our assessments are tailored to your child. Our Psychologists endeavour to obtain a holistic understanding of your child from their strengths, learning style, interests and support needs. This will allow your Psychologist to understand the area’s your child that may require additional support and will be able to provide tailored recommendations for your child and identify appropriate treatments. This is also an important step in exploring a diagnosis for your child.

  • Wechsler intelligence Scale for Children 5th Edition (WISC V)

  • Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale 4th Edition) (WAIS 4)

Cognitive assessments, which can also be referred to as an IQ or psychometric assessment, help to identify a child’s learning style including areas of strengths, identify areas where they could benefit from additional support as well as their potential for learning.

The results of cognitive assessments will provide you with an understanding of how your child learns in a number of cognitive skills including verbal comprehension, visuospatial skills, fluid reasoning, working memory and processing speed.

Cognitive assessments can support the following:

  • Exploring a diagnosis of learning difficulties and disabilities

  • Provide classroom accommodations and support the development of individual learning plans including practical strategies to support your child in the classroom

  • For the diagnosis of intellectual disability and severity of impact on a child’s learning

  • Identifying intellectual giftedness

  • Support assistance with funding such as school or government (NDIS).

  • Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, 2nd Edition (ADOS 2)

  • Monteiro Interview Guidelines for Diagnosing 2nd Edition (MIGDAS 2)

Assessments for the diagnosis of Autism require a comprehensive assessment to assess a child’s development, play, communication, social interaction, behaviours and emotional regulation through a range of play-based assessments with your child as well as structured parent interviews.

Autism assessments can provide the following information:

  • Providing an understanding of your child’s unique strengths and support needs to provide tailored recommendations to inform ongoing support and treatment.

  • Inform strategies that can support your child in their home, school, and community environments.

  • Informing the development of an individual learning plan and assisting with applications for school support

  • Support access to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) or access to other government funding

Academic assessments are administered to help us understand how a child is performing in a range of academic skill areas in relation to what is expected for their age and grade expectations.

The results of an academic test help psychologists identify a child’s strengths and skill levels in the areas of reading, writing, mathematics and oral language. 

Academic assessments can support the following:

  • Identifying a child’s level of academic skill in specific areas

  • Diagnosis of a specific learning disorder

  • Developing strategies and classroom accommodations to support specific learning strengths and needs

  • Informing the development of an individual learning plan

  • Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Third Edition (WIAT III)

Assessments for the diagnosis of ADHD require a comprehensive assessment using a range of tools including structured parent interviews, direct observation, psychometric assessments and questionnaires. Information is gathered to provide us with an understanding of your child’s strengths and needs in various settings including home and school. ADHD assessments evaluate difficulties in children in the areas of attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

ADHD assessment can support the following:

  • Identifying areas of difficulties for your child

  • Identify strategies and supports that could support your child

  • Conners Rating Scale 4th Edition (Conners 4)

Emotional and Behavioural assessments can provide additional information and support regarding general emotional and behavioural concerns you may have regarding your child’s development.

  • Achenback System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA)

  • Conners Comprehensive Behaviour Rating Scale (Conners CBRS)

  • Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System 3rd Edition (ABAS 3)

Our Psychologists offer a range of assessments that can support obtaining information regarding the impact of a diagnosed disability on an individual’s daily life. These assessments can support applications to obtain funding under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and even support ongoing funding for children, adolescents, and adults.

Common assessments include:

  • Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System 3rd Edition (ABAS 3)

  • WHO Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS)